A Critical Component to Your Business Disaster Recovery Plan
Having a good business disaster recovery plan in place is incredibly important. But make sure it includes this crucial piece of the puzzle.
You do have a business disaster recovery plan, right? You know, that thing that consists of policies, procedures, and equipment to keep your business from taking a lethal hit when disaster strikes. Whether you think you have a great plan, your plan could use a little work, or you need to create one, we’re going to look at one component of disaster recovery plans that could be critical to your business.
Disasters strike businesses, people, and communities in many different ways. Mother Nature can deliver devastation via hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, or whatever else she’s in the mood for. However, weather is not always the only one to blame for disaster situations. Machines can fail and equipment can malfunction that causes nothing but headaches for your company. Human error can inflict all kinds of problems too. In short, there’s many ways things can go wrong and your business must be prepared to handle every potential scenario with a disaster recovery plan. It can seem overwhelming, but there is one element that should be included in your plan that can help keep your organization on track.
Hopefully you’ve already got things like generator power, data/server backups, and a policies/procedures manual for dealing with disasters. But what about a live support provider? That’s right, a critical piece to your business disaster recovery plan is a call center. And it’s going to help your company get through tough times in numerous ways.
So first things first. When there is a disaster that poses any sort of threat to your people, you’ve got to make sure everyone stays safe. So you set up an employee hotline with your preferred call center that all workers can call to check in, get instructions, and leave messages for you. Rather than you having to call every single person on staff to see how they’re doing and tell them how you’re going to play the situation, you can simply leave your message with your live support team and have all your people call that hotline number. You get to make sure everyone is safe and keep them from attempting to make it to the office if conditions are dangerous.
Another way that a good call center can help your company during disasters and outages is by keeping your business open. Sure, your phones might be down or you might not be able to open your doors, but an emergency answering service is always up and running. They’ll handle all your inbound calls and take care of your customers while you can’t. So rather than missing out on opportunities to provide solid customer service, schedule appointments or even bring in new clients, your live support provider acts as an extension of your business to keep you afloat until you’re back to being able to handle things on your own.
Call centers play a crucial role in disaster recovery for many organizations. Make sure your business aligns with one as part of your plan before it’s too late. Give us a call today to see how we can set you up for success even when everything else is a mess!